The Education Review Office
Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga
Akarangi | Quality Evaluation evaluates the extent to which our early childhood service has the learning and organisational conditions to support equitable and excellent outcomes for all learners.
Summary of Findings
May 2022
The service’s curriculum successfully blends a mix of free play, more structured experiences, and routines that encourage children to explore, problem solve and persevere. Its philosophy, vision and beliefs are highly visible in teaching and children’s learning. Parents partner with teachers in centre organisation and children’s learning.
Children experience flexible, well-resourced and attractive environments, which enable them to explore, and make sense of, their world particularly in relation to the natural world. They show curiosity, persistence and independence. Problem solving skills enable children to test new ideas. Children are encouraged to be creative, to explore and challenge themselves. They are able to express their feelings through a range of opportunities and resources.
Teachers have a good understanding of Te Whāriki, the early childhood curriculum. They build professional knowledge that aids implementation of a thoughtfully designed, child-responsive, interest-based curriculum. Teachers:
extend children’s communication through stories, questioning and conversations in teacher-guided and child-initiated experiences
promote early literacy learning across experiences and in the environment
integrate te reo me ngā tikanga Māori through routines, resources, waiata and cultural celebrations.
Internal evaluation drives ongoing improvement. Relational trust underpins these processes. Evaluation is interwoven throughout curriculum development, informs planning and the environment, and examines and enhances teachers’ practice. Leaders and teachers review practices against those outlined in Tataiako -culturally responsive practices as part of planned reviews and evaluations.
Leaders ensure teacher access to professional learning that builds capability and encourages staffing stability. Involvement with the kāhui ako provides further opportunities to collaboratively develop effective teacher practice.
Inclusive partnerships, including with whānau, relationships with other services, agencies and the wider community, support and guide service-learning priorities.