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Visions and Values

In honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi, kaiako commit to working with whānau in the spirit of partnership and the acceptance of obligations for participation and protection. We implement te reo me ngā tikanga Māori in our daily practices, ensuring tamariki develop an understanding of the histories and cultures of Aotearoa. Our curriculum framework Te Whāriki is woven strongly through our philosophy.

Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti arahia ō tātou māhi

Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work

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A sense of whānau (family) connection

As a community kindergarten we believe strong relationships are essential. Respectful and reciprocal relationships between kaiako and tamariki, parents and whānau, and our community, provide a foundation of unity and inclusion, and help tamariki develop a strong sense of belonging.

We have high aspirations for every tamaiti and support these by partnering with their whānau and communities to design and deliver a curriculum that responds to their needs, and sustains their identities, languages, and cultures.

We believe in role-modelling ‘ako’, where tamariki learn from kaiako through everyday teaching and providing enriching learning experiences. Kaiako learn from tamariki by following their interests, exploring together, and listening to and valuing their thoughts, beliefs, and ideas.



We aspire for every tamaiti to experience an empowering curriculum that recognises and enhances their mana, whilst supporting the mana of others. We believe that to learn and develop to their potential, tamariki must be respected and valued. This means recognising their rights to having their wellbeing promoted and to be protected from harm. They need to experience equitable opportunities for learning and play and be supported in the development of a strong sense of identity and creative expression.

We believe that all tamariki have the right to engage in a rich curriculum, as guided by Te Whāriki, where tamariki have agency to create and act on their own ideas. Play and playfulness are valued, and kaiako-initiated experiences are inviting and enjoyable.

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We believe in the importance of kaiako, tamariki and whānau working together to look after and be guardians of our planet Papatuanuku, not only for these tamariki but for future generations. We aim for tamariki to develop a love and respect for, and life-long connection to, our natural world. Kaiako act as role models and support tamariki to look after each other, our natural resources and care for our environment.

Our tamariki are encouraged to develop and demonstrate leadership skills through many opportunities such as tuakana/teina experiences, helping kaiako, younger tamariki, role modelling, and taking responsibility in caring for our kindergarten environment. We encourage and support tamariki to develop growing independence within supportive loving relationships, that also foster their interdependence within our kindergarten whānau.

Woodlands Park Community Kindergarten
Visit us

Woodlands Park Community Kindergarten

22A Minnehaha Avenue

Woodlands Park, Titirangi

Auckland 0604

Get in touch

+64 9 817 8782

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 8:45am - 2:45pm
Saturday/Sunday: Closed

We are open during the school term and closed for all public holidays

©2023 by Woodlands Park Community Kindergarten. Proudly created with

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